Galactinnov network project

An International Research Network between France and Quebec involving several GABI teams is underway.

The objectives of the project are to promote exchanges between scientists and favor the mobility of researchers and students working on important research subjects.

The network project, Galactinnov, is coordinated by Pierre Germon (INRA, UMR1282 Infectiology and Public Health-ISP, Nouzilly).

The project involves nine units belonging to six different scientific division at INRA: Animal Health, Microbiology and the Food Chain, Animal Physiology and Farming Systems, Animal Genetics, the Social Sciences, Agriculture and Foods, Characterization and elaboration of agricultural products.

Its objective is to promote exchanges amongst scientists and to favor the mobility of researchers and students on important research themes:

  • a production and management that will provide a more sustainable health and welfare of dairy cows,
  • milk and transformed products of quality.

A first session of exchanges for the members of the network will be held on November 21 and 22, 2019 at Saint-Hyacinthe (Québec). 

Scientific Contacts:

Christelle Cebo, Research Associate, HDR
National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA),
Animal Genetics and Integrative Biology Unit (GABI),
Mammary Gland and Lactation Team (GALAC)
Domaine de Vilvert, Building 440, 78352 Jouy en Josas

Fabienne Le Provost, Research Director, HDR
National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA),
Animal Genetics and Integrative Biology Unit (GABI),
Head of the Mammary Gland and Lactation Team (GALAC)
Domaine de Vilvert, Building 440, 78352 Jouy en Josas

Modification date : 14 September 2023 | Publication date : 15 October 2019 | Redactor : C. Cebo - Edition P. Huan - W Brand-Williams