The ANR journal n°12

The ANR journal n°12: Contribution of Genomics to Agroecology les apports de la génomique à l’agroécologie.

This issue retraces the contributions of animal, plant and microbial genomics, financed by the ANR between 2005 and 2013, to research in Agroecology. Priority axes of research are also proposed notably to optimize the performances and services expected for the optimization of the valorization of biodiversity or determination of interactions between organisms that favor agroecological transitions and the sustainability of agroecosystems.

Florence Phocas, a scientist of the Genetics and Aquaculture Research Team , is a co-author of this issue.

To what extent did scientific results issued from ANR projects in animal, plant and microbial genomics help enrich research in Agroecology? The ANR has published its latest issue of its journal that evaluates the financing of genomics projects since 2005, presenting projects of high interest for Agroecology and proposes priority research axes in genomics to support research in Agroecology.

From 2005 to 2019, the ANR has funded nearly 1300 research projects in relation with plant, animal and microbial genomics as part of specific programmes, white or thematic calls-for-projects, international calls-for-projects or generic calls-for-projects, for a total sum of 519 M€ (including sequences). Amongst these 1300 projects, 37 were identified by the scientific committee as having an important potential for Agroecology. The scientists that benefitted from the accepted projects contributed to this issue by providing a summary sheet of their project.

This issue, available to be downloaded, is inteded for the scientific community, political decision makers and all those who wish to know more on this challenge.

Modification date : 09 October 2023 | Publication date : 18 September 2020 | Redactor : ANR - Translation W. Brand-Williams